High 60s to 70 Degrees all winter long, lovin' it. Arizona does get some cold spells, but our weather means we get some of the best Oranges in the Nation! Sadly, I have meant to mail some of this awesome fruit out to you and if I haven't gotten to it, please believe me when I say, there will be a year that I do get it done :-)
I had realized that also, getting caught up in our busy-ness that we didn't post some of our other fun holiday/Christmas/winter photos, so I wanted to put some of those up.
January is HERE! And Tyler starts up school again on January 19th. We have been MORE than grateful for this amazing break. We have done some fun things that we don't usually have time to do. Going out for sushi or frozen yogurt, taking Hank with us - or getting a baby sitter so just Ty and I can go out.
With a lot to look forward to in 2010 we are blessed, and we have made some resolutions:
To pay off our debt, and to make an effort to be in God's word every day. What are your resolutions?
Hank sat nicely on Santa's lap
On our way to see Santa... Hank had thrown up 15 minutes before this photo. (We gave him hot chocolate for the first time - no he didn't let loose on Santa)
Shane above dressed just like Uncle Eddie for Tyler's work party. Didnt he do a great job?
Some stranger below getting ready to see Santa - Tyler loves random photos. Nice sweater!
MORE January photos soon to come...