Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hank's Heart: (Fetal PAC) Premature Atrial Contraction

We went to have a visit with Arizona Pediatric Cardiology Consultants today and our doctor, Dr. Jedeikin gave us actually some pretty good news. Come to find out after a pretty lengthy sonogram of Hank's heart, the doctor analyzed the video and was able to tell us right there what was going on.
Hank has irregular heart beats, as of today. They call this Premature Atrial Contraction, or PAC, and this occurs in babies from 1%-2% of every pregnancy. So that is 1-2 babies out of every 100 that will have a case of PAC. "Premature beats or extra beats most often cause irregular heart rhythms. Those that start in the upper chambers are PACs. In reality, the heart doesn't skip a beat (like a murmur). Instead an extra beat comes sooner than normal. Then there's a pause that can cause the next beat to be more forceful." 99.6% of these PAC cases will not progress to tachycardia and eventually go away, associated with good outcome.
The doctor says that this is very normal, and that it is not anything major to worry over. A good majority of the time, once the baby is born, the irregularity PAC goes away. The only thing we would ever have to worry over is if it continues on after he is born, then we would have to visit with a pediatric cardiologist. So far on the worry scale, we are only at a 1 out of 10. We are thankful that this is minor issue, and that Hank is healthy. We will still be allowed to deliver at Tyler's Hospital after all with all of our Banner Health Family close by. :)
P.S. Prayer works!!! And Riley probably goes home tomorrow instead of Sunday!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

(Tyler's Bro) Travis & Angela have their baby girl

Our new niece Riley was born Saturday morning at 36 weeks, 1 week premature. (Mine and Angela's due dates are only 9 days apart). Riley was 6lbs 11oz. Supercute baby girl. She had some difficulty learning to breath correctly and so the hospital had her on a CPAP machine for the last 3-4 days. Travis and Angela finally got the chance to hold their baby girl today. She's already starting to show personality and is glad to be off the machines. Lets pray they get to take her home before Sunday, and pray for Angela, recovering from C-Section.

Our little niece, Riley Diane Labrum

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lots of Babies Born this Fall

There are lots of births happening this fall. My cousin Brandi shared her birth experience with me on Wednesday. My sister inlaw's baby is due October 10th. Tyler's close friend Kasey is due 3 days before me on October 23rd. Our baby boy is due in 37 days... WOW. I watch our little counter do it's count-down and I never thought I would see it go so fast. Our due date is October 26th, and we got Hank a little Halloween outfit just incase he is born before Halloween (which is our guess). So far in this pregnancy I have gained 17 pounds and doctors say I am right on track for 34.5 weeks.
So this last Sunday night I ended up in Labor and Delivery at 11:30 at night, I wasn't feeling the baby move and we got a bit nervous. Come to find out, my body was dehydrated and it was causing continual contractions. The nurse had me drink 1/2 a gallon of water before I could be released. I now am taking special care to drink the right amount every day.
It must be normal that my feet are starting to feel swollen, I shut down and get tired right around 3pm and my heartburn drives me nuts. Its all worth it, but I sure am getting ready to have this kid. Tyler and I have gotten everything ready for his arrival and can't think of anything else to prepare for him. I'm sure later we will find out if we are wrong :)
I am pretty sure Tyler was "pooching" for this picture :) haha LOL, cute.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Phoenix Shower & A Lot of Growing!! :)

Above is a picture of Tyler and I at 33 weeks with Hank, WOW
and I still have 7 weeks to go!! I am starting to feel a bit large... and growing even more! Buster thought he would jump in the picture at the last minute. :) He has been doing much better since Bab's passing.

So my Mom came down to Phx for the shower and it was so awesome to see her. Mom really hadn't had the chance to see me pregnant. She got to feel Hank kick and it was just a delight to share my pregnancy with her. I miss her already, she is such a light to everyone. LOVE YOU MOMMA. We got some great things for the baby at our shower and were so blessed to visit with our friends, Thank you all for everything!