4. Keeping our own priorities in order helps out the whole family. We live by putting God first, then self/spouse (the two are one), then our kids, our job/home, our extended family, and Church attendance/serving. All are definitely a priority that we do something with, but we try to keep things in order - this truly has helped us structure our family priorities, and has made for a happier marriage.
5. Learn to laugh about it, when things don't run very smooth, its sometimes hard to find joy in the little moments in life. We try to enjoy even the hard times with each other, it has made us stronger. When Tyler laughs, his one eye gets small and he looks mischievous - Hank does the same thing. The 4 of us have been in the car and had laughing attacks. Oh good memories! We've learned to laugh also at ourselfs because sometimes we do mess up.
6. We pray together, there is power in prayer, and it makes us each sensitive to each other's needs. I love it when Tyler prays for me, and when I pray for him. Something about seeking God while spending time with eachother is so special and intimate.
7. Sex isn't taboo. (oh my goodness I posted that?!). It was designed by God himself, and we were created to enjoy it with one person... our spouse. Call us old fashioned, but I'm darn happy we are that way! Giving yourself to one person can bless your marriage, and abstain until you find that one if you are looking. Having no one to compare eachother to is a very good thing. http://my.ekklesia360.com/Clients/embed_video_preview.php?moduleRecordId=408735&CMSCODE=EKK (sermon on Song of Songs -of Solomon)
8. Kids change your entire life! For the 3 miraculous children God blessed us with, they mean the world to us! Our first baby is so blessed to be raised up in heaven by the angels - not seeing a day of pain from this world. God we know you make all things work together for our good... and our child in heaven will one day greet us with their smile. And the 2 here that God has given us the priviledge to raise, we hope we do right by God and do right by them - Hank and Jack, that God will one day be SO proud of the men you have become! You 2 boys have brought our marriage into a glorious new light! You make us laugh... your hugs and kisses bring us to tears, and the tough lessons you teach us... oh how God has a sense of humor giving you personalities just like your parents! :) We Love you boys!
9. There will always be bumps in the road. We've lived on very very little salary, we've lost a home, we've had some really tough discussions and argued, we've lost 2 dogs, we've lost a business, we've had to walk outside and take a break from screaming kids, we've thought we would lose the other after a bad car accident, and we've lost a baby. All in all, we are happy. Truly TRULY happy. Somehow, God has gifted us this beautiful messy life that we get to share with our best friend. We are grateful for all we've been through. He is the strength in our weakness.
9 of the happiest years of our lives. And I'll vouch for both of us since we talk about it all the time... we are happier now than we've ever ever been! How is that possible with pain, hurt and bumps in the road? Jesus Christ. He IS the answer. And relying on God for everything has helped us have joy through it all. May sound cheesy to some, but we are two of the happiest people I know.