So I guess I am saying that I really hope you enjoy my blogging, because my time is becoming more and more valuable. And I blog for you... :) definitely not for me. :) So anyhow. Hank is so adorable, and at times being a parent is hard. I am so glad that Tyler has this time off to be with me.
I am healing extremely well for having a c-section. I have been "up - and - at - em" since day 2. I find that the healing process has been pretty good, but I probably should have taken some time to slow down and recover... which is just not like me. :)
Well I wanted to share some photos of our beautiful baby boy, and include some from Halloween. Love to all!!! Thanks for your prayers and your gifts!
Love, Lindsey, Tyler, & Hank.
Oh I'm so proud for you!! You'll get the hang of things pretty fast - everything always just falls into place. And once little man kinda gets into a routine it's sOOO much easier!! :) He's so Handsome!! luv ya!!
Thanks Steph. We are still trying to get into a routine, but we sure do get tired. :) It's all been worth it. THANKS!
Love ya!
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