Friday the 24th we headed to the hospital for induction. After about 20 hours of labor my doctor called for a Cesarian Section. I held off on the epidural for 7 hours before asking. It was worth it, that's for sure.
So we ended up with such a precious gift from God. Hank is so handsome. And we are so lucky to have him here finally.
Hank Aaron Labrum was born on October 25, 2008 at 11:25am, he weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. and was a long 21 inches. Dark brown hair and so far dark blue eyes (which will probably change). Here are the latest photos.
Congrats on the new baby! I ran across your blog on the web while looking up fetal PAC's. I am currently 34 weeks pregnant have been told that my baby too has PAC's..... just wondering if little Hank's resolved on their own or not?! I know you are busy with the new baby, but I feel better knowing that someone else has been through this! He is precious! Have fun!
Hi Sarah,
I hope you come back to this site. I do have some comforting news. Hank is 3 days old now and once he was born there were no signs of PAC, praise God. In fact when I was in the labor and delivery room the doctor said he could not hear any signs of PAC. After we first found out about Hank's PAC we went to the pediatric cardiologist, he had explained to us that 99.6 percent of all PAC cases go away once the baby is born.
From our 34 weeks on, we just kept thinking positive and prayed that it would all turn out okay.
I hope everything works out okay for your baby, it was a big concern to us too of course but everything resolved itself. God speed. :)
YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS Girl!! He is absolutely so handsomely precious!ha And HOORAY - he was born Oct. 25th, me 'n Ryan's Anniversary!! We were married @ 11:30 too, can you believe that!! Aaaand Taylee was 7 lbs 13 1/2 oz. and was 21 in. long!! LOL. How fun. Can't wait to watch him grow!! love ya!! :)
Thanks for the reply! It makes me feel so much better talking to someone else that has been through this. The heartbeat is being monitored twice a week, but so far it is still there. I am praying for a good outcome like yours. It is just such a hard thing not to worry about! Your family is beautiful and I wish you and your hubby the best of luck with the new baby! Congrats again! =)
Congratulations Lindsey! He is so cute! Good luck with him when he gets older :)
hey i am glad you have a blog
Hank is so cute congrats mommy and daddy!!! ours is tara-wayne.blogspot.com
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