Hank had a great Christmas for his first year ever. We surrounded him with gifts and took some fun pictures. Thank you to all of our family that really made Christmas for us this year. It was amazing! While we were opening gifts Hank's eyes would start to roll back in his head... he finally crashed. :)
So I have to tell you that we started the most amazing new Christmas tradition (now that we have our own new little family): This year I pulled out our nativity scene, but no one had noticed that I had wrapped the baby Jesus. On Christmas morning (from this year on) Baby Jesus will be the very FIRST gift we open, as we talk, celebrate and remember ever year that he is the reason we have Christmas. Pretty cool family tradition huh? :) I would recommend it. I can't wait to do this every year with Hank and the rest of our kids.

awww-your first Christmas with lil' man!! He's sOOO Precious!! And believe it or not, each year gets MORE 'n MORE fun!! :)
Hey lindsey
I found your blog address on your facebook. We also have a blog it's www.cundickfamily.blogspot.com, bloggin is easier for me! Your little boy is so cute! Looks like fun!! Brittney Nelson lives in Arizona to, do you ever see her around?
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