What's this all about? Well, as a couple we have been going through the TwoIgnite (http://twoignite.com/) series at church, it is a Gary Smalley series (writer of DNA of Relationships). Our church is the "test church" for the series and we are loving it. The first month was 2Play: to go out and have fun with eachother on dates. The second month was 2Sweat: to get healthy and fit for eachother to keep your marriage "HOT," which by the way Ty has lost 20 pounds and I have lost 14 so far. This month of November has been all about 2Drink: how to get intoxicated with your sex life. I know, sounds a little wierd for a church... but it has helped our marriage SOOO much while things have been hectic, and with Biblical principals... count us in! Coming up in December is 2laugh: I am excited for that one too.
There's a link for the program, and you can listen to the podcasts on there if interested.

So part of the 2Drink series, Tyler and I romanced the night away and went Ballroom Dancing, yup, you heard right folks. It really was a good way for us to get fancied up to impress our spouse and have a slow dance ;oD and some fast ones too. I love you Ty, thanks for making me feel like a princess. This memory will be in my mind forever! You are a hottie!

1 comment:
MY MAN IS SMMMMMOKIN!!! :o) Love you honey!
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