We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope yours was great also. We have so much to be thankful for. A healthy happy family, a God that loves, a Savior that lives. Life is GREAT!
The picture above was one of the best memories captured, all the kids laughing so hard at some funny videos. They were all so cute, it melted my heart. We miss you guys!!
I just LOVE my nieces and nephews - you all are amazing, and I missed the ones that couldn't be here too!!!
Jesse and Z above playing with dough at our favorite restaraunt OREGANOS! Mmmm
Hank had SUCH A FUN TIME with his cousins, oooh, more memories to melt my heart!!
Taylor with Hankie - Look at that Cheeser!
Mom with the Sistas!
T and Luge - Buds
Bracken taking Hank outside to play Saturday morning.
This picture above cracks me up!! How many guys does it take to run a vacuum? 4 - Thanks for cleaning up boys!!

With Christmas right around the corner, I always LOVE to remind ya what it's all about. :o) Each year I seem to be not as in the mood to pull out my snowmen, or my Santa Claus. I love saint Nick for what he did (giving gifts to orphans), and once more I am reminded by his symbol that it really isn't about us and what WE want. Three gifts has become our new tradition - so we've tried anyway. I also heard one family that did this: Something to WANT, Something to NEED, and Something to READ. I love that and may follow on as a new tradition.
As I pull out my small Nativity that Grandma and Grandpa Labrum gave us a few years ago, I will wrap up baby Jesus once more and place him under the tree to open up as the first gift Christmas morning. Jesus Christ born on Christmas morning, this will continue on (from last year) as our tradition to realize the importance of Christmas and talk about the birth of our Savior before we open presents.
You may think I am rambling... but just know, that feeling that is in the air this time of year... you can have it in your heart YEAR ROUND! God sends His Son to live in our hearts for every day. NEW BIRTH! Thanking God for sending JESUS CHRIST. A MIRACLE OF A VIRGIN BIRTH! -let me say that again... A VIRGIN BIRTH.... hello people! :o) LOL
Happy Holi-Days and Merry CHRISTmas! With LOVE!
our site: http://labrums.blogspot.com/
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