Thursday, June 17, 2010

A little bit of Hank the Tank

With all of this talk lately about clues and such for guessing baby Jack's name, I haven't taken much time to post some of my new favorite photos of Hank.
Hank is getting so BIG SO SO SO FAST!
Don't blink, because he will be 2 before you know it!
If you don't get to see our little guy often, let me tell you, spend just an hour with Hank, and you will see that not only is he charming, but you will be completely worn out! I PROMISE!
I get to stay home with my men now, and I AM LOVING EVERY BIT OF IT!
Look at our little boy smile!
Mommy and her 2 boys

Hank loves riding daddy's shoulders
LOVE this shot of my guys! Isn't it sweet?!
Hank looking more and more grown up each day, we can't even believe it!!

...and just incase you didn't catch that, our 2nd born son will be named after

Jack William Nicklaus (the pro golfer), he will be Jack William Labrum :)

We LOVE IT! Hank and Jack - Brothers :)


The Jardons said...

great pictures! Jack William is a great name too... definitely a fan of the pro golfer route : )

Anonymous said...

Hank we are so proud of you and what a fine young man you are becoming. Be a big boy and help mommie when you can. Love NANA

Lindsey said...

Thanks guys!! :) We like it too.
And Thanks Nana... love you!