This morning, I am sitting here in the kitchen with our pathetic dog at my feet. I'm staring out the window only to notice a car stop by every 30 minutes or so for our yard sale, which we have done two days in a row. Yesterday we made a sweet $5 bones, and today so far have made $180. Which is from the couch we sold to our neighbor across the street. SWEET.
Well, yesterday was the longest start to the day ever. We're calling it the morning in hell. We are happy to have made $5. But for the trouble it caused, it wasn't really worth it. Tyler was walking inside and let the garage door close behind him... a shelf fell off of the garage wall (which had a can of dark chocolate stain on it that we used to stain our log bed). The can hits the cement floor and takes a spill that coats half of the garage. We immediately start on hands and knees to wipe it up. (OH THE SMELL!) And Tyler takes another 1/2 hour spraying Goo Gone to get it out. (Which by the way works like magic).
After that is all cleaned up my husband decides that he was going to work on one of his projects in the garage (that involve a mixing of certain chemicals). He is using our camping burner and a large pot to melt some chemicals together. (NOT RECOMMENDED!). He decides, since he has done this before, to take a match to the mixture (mind you he is still inside the garage). A large cloud eruption of smoke and fire are set off inside my garage! We are SO LUCKY and thankful that all it burned was the garage floor. We had a LOT of onlookers wondering if they should call the fire department as Tyler is telling them that he has "it all under control and it is just one hell of hot garage sell." I WAS NOT AMUSED, and frankly I said some words I've never even heard before HAHA LOL.Great day... not to mention that I got a doctors phone call that told me I have to go back in and take the 3 hour glucose test for my blood sugar. Sweet, gotta love the orange elixir they give you.
So after today. We are going to take a nap. A very long nap mind you. (Two days of getting up at 5:45 on our weekend, and a whole lot of shenanigans. We are tuckered out. It will be good when we can look back and laugh at all of this. I am hoping that that day comes soon :D As for now, no more "interesting" projects. They are off limits. Those of you that are Labrums, understand why Tyler is on restriction. (I LOVE YOU HONEY:) I would show you right here a picture of my garage... it is far too upsetting still. :D
So here is a picture of our house instead:

That's my boy!! :-)
... and he is playing with hydrogen?!?!
Love Dad
Your mama wants to talk to you Tyler Jason Labrum!
Mom =|
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