Before we know it, Hank will be here. We are trying to complete all the steps required before he comes. We have pre-registered with the hospital (saving us hours of paperwork when we arrive to the Hosp). We have found a pediatrician for Hank and have heard that the Doctor is a great Christian Pediatrician, which we are required to have a doctor for him before he is born. There is still lots of insurance steps we have to complete beforehand, but we are almost completely ready. And we have resolved some Maternity leave issues with my work... Praise God.
The house is actually starting to come together. We have Hanks room ready, our guest room ready, the great room and kitchen are ready, and in our Bedroom, we just set up the bassonet/pack-n-play (see below). The garage is almost ready... poor poor garage :)
We have done what we can to cut our budget and expenses, and have consolidated the little amount of debt that we have, to get us a lower interest rate. We feel like we've done what we can to prepare. The rest of the stuff... well, we'll just have to "wing-it" :) Here is a pict below of the new pack-n-play we got on sale at Toys R us for only $100. SWEET.

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