Just wanted to share with you the awesome 3D images we got of the baby today. It was so fun to see what the baby looks like and see a bit of his personality.Hank really kept kicking himself in the head with his feet... and as we poked him a little bit he started to move his feet out of the way. We got some great photos from inside the womb and as we persisted to wake him up he showed us a big frowny pouty lip. (We got a pict of it).It was so cool to see that even inside the womb he has emotion. SO CUTE!!

I must just say...
I LOVE my baby boy :)
I can't wait to hug and kiss on him. :)
hi lindsey how are u feeling? i just saw Hank. wow he's awesome . man i cant believe what i saw . sweet well u take care and i hope to talk to u soon
HI PATSY! I'm glad you like the 3D images. It was so cool to get those done. Tyler and I loved getting the chance to see our baby boy. I am doing good and Tyler has been a big help.
Thanks for coming to the shower, we loved visiting with everyone.
Love, Lindsey
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